Sunday, November 29, 2020

Chapter 11

South Beach
The Peninsula
Heydon Mitchell and Camilla Lombardo Residence

"It's a Whisper Gallery," said Jay with a level of confidence that Fiona found admirable.  He was being measured and cool and very sure of himself, using a tone she guessed he'd mastered years before. "It was recently discovered in the rocks in Digger Island.  Dr. Elizar invited me to participate in the investigation - you remember Dr. Elizar, he was a speaker at the last symposium and attended the banquet that evening."

Jay told her he was sure they wouldn't remember Dr. Elizar. If they did, they didn't show it. He avoided direct conversation with either of his parents.  He delivered the pitch to an invisible audience or one on the other side of the kitchen wall not to Camilla and Heydon. Fiona knew he had trouble with his mother but she probably would not have noticed anything wrong if she hadn't known something was.

He had come up with the Whisper Gallery on the long drive from Cloud Lake to South Beach.  It was an archeological masterpiece that required total silence to study - no internet, no wi-fi, no shouting no singing, nothing but silence in the Gallery itself.  Nobody should expect to hear from them, particularly Jay's parents.  She had expected problems but so far hadn't seen any sign that they were very concerned. Still...

Fiona stepped up her game and aimed a Happy Student smile directly at Camilla Lombardo.  "It's well supervised,"  she told her.  Camilla responded with a curious expression as if she didn't understand why Fiona would think the supervision was important.

Three small toys lay near the door to the deck, hidden beside a sideboard as if they were cunningly waiting for an opportunity to escape. Fiona sympathized with them.

Heydon Mitchell sat on the other side of the table.  He'd been her father's good friend since they were kids, and he'd practically turned everything upside down trying to find him when he vanished.  She'd seen him frustrated and angry and afraid for her and Viv, and he watched her now, maybe kind of protective. Perhaps he thought she was dating Jay.  Perhaps he was worried about that.

Looking at her now, not at Jay, he asked in a calm voice, "The two of you were invited together? Vivian is okay with being left alone?"

Fiona was clasping her hands too tightly, her knuckles white, and she carefully and slowly loosened her fingers and pushed her hair back. "Yes she is. She'll be fine, and Viv has always admired old things. It's very old.  It's a thousand years old.  Or two thousand." 

As a team both Camilla and Heydon swung their attention back to Jay.  Heydon gave his son a peculiar look.  So did Camilla but she still said nothing.  Heydon said to Jay, "I've never known you to take any interest in archeology."   

Jay leaned back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head.  He gave his father a general sort of smile.

"Normally I wouldn't be but there's been some research on coupling free electrons to optical resonators.  In these galleries a wave travels almost perfectly around the gallery and they've managed to trap light with an electron microscope using the same effect. The place on the island is pretty rare.  I'd really like to see how it works.  I'm lucky to have a chance to do it."  

That appeared to have done it.  Nobody but Jay had a clue about optical resonators.  Camilla finally spoke.  "Fiona let's go get some air out on the deck while Jay packs.  Heydon make sure Jay packs everything all the things and something warm.  Old places tend to be cold."  

Heydon and Camilla exchanged a look.  Uncertain, Fiona glanced quickly at Jay who ignored her.  Did his father think they were dating?  Would that be a problem if he did?  She was confident Jay could put an end to that.  She was delivering him, not dating him, not that he knew about the delivering part, not yet. 

Camilla lit a candle on a table under an umbrella on the patio, one of many candles burning in the dark.  It was a beautiful place just as she remembered from the times she'd been here as a child.  Years ago, but she still remembered.

Very gently, Camilla told her, "Heydon and I looked for your father and mother everywhere. Gabe disappeared close to the same time, and I thought maybe it was connected and I thought that if I found him maybe I would find your parents too."   She took a deep breath then went on. "I didn't find anything about any of them.  I'm sorry Fiona."

That was unexpected and after the day's meeting with her blind mother, difficult to hear.  She walked over to the pool and looked at the water and told herself fiercely to get a grip.  She would never be able to help her mother if she didn't Fiona hadn't been at all sure how far to push this thing with Gabe but since Jay was refusing to even discuss it, she had to at least raise it.

"Maybe Gabe went somewhere where he couldn't easily return, but maybe he left sort of a clue with a friend, something you haven't heard about, like a place where you met up, that kind of thing."

Camilla stared at her.  "I would have heard if someone knew anything about where Gabe went or if he left a message for me.  No one would keep that from me. People you love don't go somewhere and not come back or contact you if it's possible for them to do it."

She was getting nowhere with this.  Camilla didn't give her anything useful - nothing about a place where they met up and she wasn't going to give her anything.  She couldn't question the woman about weird shit like the name of a road.  Camilla would suspect something was up.  From the way she'd responded, she already did.

"Let's go look at your clothes," Camilla told her in a firm voice, definitely changing the subject.  "We'll go through them and I might have something you can wear when you're walking in a hole in the ground because I'm sure nothing you have will last if you put any dirt on it at all."

They started toward the door into the house, and there was Jay's little sister Hailie sitting in a corner on the other side of the spa.  The toys Fiona had seen in the dining room now all stood in a group facing Hailie like a neighborhood toy meeting.  Hailie must have retrieved them when she wasn't watching.

Hailie saw her, smiled, got to her feet, picked up one of the toys and held it out to her.  "Here," Hailie said in a light, sweet voice.

 Puzzled, Fiona took the toy.  It was some kind of green thing.  "Well thank you.  What is it?"

"It's a gift,"  Hailie said slowly and carefully as if explaining the concept of a gift to a smaller child.  "Sometimes it makes lights." She smiled again.

Fiona looked at the toy with more confusion than interest.  It made lights?  Was there a battery in it?  She turned it over and then back again to try to figure out what it was, a little cow or maybe a whale.    

No.  It wasn't a cow or a whale.  

Hailie's toy was a dragon.


  1. I know this is backwards to leave the comment first, but just wanted to say I can't wait to read this chapter! Each one is always such a treat :) Will be leaving another comment once I'm finished reading it :)

    1. Thanks for testing it for me. It helps to know that Safari doesn't allow comments either. Blogger is really limping now. And thank you for the compliment!

  2. Anonymous8/07/2020

    Fiona in the previous chapter: "I'm an expert in creating convincing lies." Fiona in this chapter, smiling a Happy Student Smile directly at Camilla Lombardo: "Whisper Gallery. :))" How can one NOT love that girl? XD I didn't think that Jay's parents would buy the story the teens cooked up, but I guess he threw in just enough perplexing physics terms for it to fly. Good work, nerd! xD Now that they've got that ironclad alibi, they can go ghost hunting and dragon hunting to their little hearts' content. At least there's one dragon they won't need to worry about anymore (talking about Camilla here...)

    And apropos the Dragon Lady - I gotta say, you totally caught me off guard! I wasn't expecting her to be so gentle with Fiona. It makes sense now that I know the background of the two families and how close-knit they were, but I guess I'm just so used to seeing Camilla in her default take-no-prisoners-kickass mode that I tend to forget that she indeed also has a gentle side. We didn't get to see a whole lot of that in Sessions, so it was a pleasant surprise to catch a glimpse of it here. She even helped Fiona pack and gave her some clothes, if that isn't a full-on motherly gesture I don't know what is! Wholesome Camilla is my new favorite thing!

    And speaking of wholesome... gosh, little Hailie with her tiny toy assembly! I think most children believe that their toys are, if not magical, then at least special in some way, but I'm leaving this comment after having already read the next chapter so I know for a fact that it's not just make-believe in Hailey's case. Is the little toy dragon just a foreshadowing of things to come, or does it hold a deeper, (possibly magical) meaning? I bet Fiona is wondering the same.

    Beautiful writing and pics as always! <3 The atmospheric lighting out on the deck and the stunning vista of the channel and the volcano made me wish, not for the first time, that I could go and live in your game.


    1. Wow thank you!!

      I admit I was having a hard time believing that Camilla and Heydon would buy a story about two teenagers needing to be somewhere unreachable for an unspecified period of time. Hearing about Whisper Galleries and the connection to a complicated thing with quantum mechanics seemed pretty good though. They wouldn't know what the hell he was talking about but he's a legitimate nerd so apart from some kind of lecture while Heydon helped his kid to pack, they let it go.

      You're right about Camilla having a soft side although she doesn't feel kindly or protective very frequently. These two girls were seriously hurt, some awful happened that wasn't their fault, her partner couldn't help much and that upset him terribly, and this is the first time she's been able to do anything herself. There wasn't much she could really do except give what she had to give and that was clothes and help packing them.

      Hailie is unusual. She knew what she was doing when she selected the dragon as a gift. She didn't know whether or not it would do anything helpful to Fiona specifically, but it was important to her and so valuable. Magical yes in more ways than one. Giving it away wasn't easy. I love that little girl.

      Fiona is such a trip to live through. She's doing something hard and dangerous and scary with almost nothing in the way of tools or money, and has hooked up with a guy she doesn't even really like much or understand. She's hell for leather though and willing to fake it in the face of Camilla Lombardo.

      Thank you so much for the compliment about the pics and the lighting and the vistas. Some of it was technically very difficult to do. I can use that hack that makes the entire map visible only in small and almost empty lots. My game crashed, froze, hung, jumped and fluttered in that lot. I couldn't do what I wanted and had to settle for some workarounds. I am really really glad they look the way I hoped they would.

      I am so grateful for the chapters you give me as comments. So so grateful! Not only does it boost my morale, it gives me things to think about. I appreciate the analysis and the knowledge that what I hope works, actually does.

  3. Poor Fiona, she just wants to find out what happened to her parents. Hopefully some of that information Camilla gave her helps. Maybe she could speak with Rayne? Loved the ending with the toy dragon, just perfect!

    Their house is stunning btw! Great update! :)

    1. Thank you! It's going to be hard for Fiona to get Rayne to agree to help - that's a time of her life she wouldn't want to discuss even with someone she knows much less a teenager she barely knows. Fiona may need an intermediary...

      Oh that house drives me insane. There are huge strange shadows I can't fix. I work around them since I don't want to give up on it but it's frustrating.

      Thank you so much!

  4. Oooohh...I like the end of this one.

    Your pics are stunning.

    1. Thanks! Hailie's a special little girl. Giving Fiona a specific toy wouldn't be accidental.

      And thank you very very much for the compliment on the pics. I work hard on them and frequently have to build new sets for every chapter (one reason it takes me so long). It's extremely nice to know someone likes them!

  5. Oh wow, I just can't get over how beautiful that house is. You've built it so well, I love everything about it. From the gorgeous front with the stone pillars and lush flowering bushes, to the backside with the beautiful pool area, and the gorgeous ocean view. Living there must be a dream! I wonder what Jay's room looks like. I bet it's really moody and teenage-y!

    Jay's really clever to use his own knowledge and his parents' lack of it to his advantage. People do tend to just accept advanced matters they don't understand at face value  since it would take so much effort to gain the knowledge, and also, many don't like revealing their lack of knowledge. Opens them up to being manipulated this way, and I really like that Jay understands this and will use it to get his way.

    All this talk about Fiona and Jay dating makes me wish that they did for real, haha! I just think they would work very well together. Even if that's not where you're going with this, you've set things up really well to make the reader root for them.

    The way you used the toys in this chapter was very subtle and nice. It seemed like they have a life of their own, and can speak to Hailie. But at the same time, it might just as well be nothing magic about it, just a kid playing. I like the mystery in that! Seeing as the spiders in this story can speak and interract intellectually, it would fit to have the toys being aware too. So I'm curious to see that is the case.

    The fact that Hailie said the dragon makes lights sometimes makes me wonder if it's not sentient after all. If it is, it would mean that it has something like the same powers as Hailie. It'll be fun to learn more about that.

    Another great chapter! Too bad they couldn't get Camilla to reveal anything useful about Gabe's whereabouts. I wonder if they will try with her again, or move on. It'll be fun to find out! / Ani

    1. Thank you! I rebuilt that house several times since it has some odd glitches (ceiling shadows I can't remove) and finally gave up and worked around them. The basic design with the patio works really well when set with the back to the water. Coming up with a style depends on who lives there - as I've seen in what you do with identical lots that look so different depending on the occupants.

      Jay has figured out how to weaponize his education and intelligence, something Kenley Dirac certainly didn't teach him how to do - he gets that from his mother although he probably doesn't realize it. It's one of the reasons Fiona didn't like him.

      The two of them are getting along, both of them still wary that the other is 'using' them although that's fading now. A relationship between teammates can go either way!

      Hailie is one of those characters who jump out of nowhere and just grab you as if they exist and simply find you once you look for them. She's definitely different. Kinder perhaps than her brother and her mother but no less powerful. They don't know what they're dealing with.

      They may have to look elsewhere for info on Gabe or trick Camilla into revealing anything. All she's ever likely to give them about Gabe is praise.

      Thank you so much! You make me think about different angles for places and things I thought I knew!

    2. Oh, I have to add about Jay's room - it's very spare with pics of neutrino tracks taken in bubble chambers and posters of star formations on the walls. A desk. His own small ensuite bath. He spends as little time there as possible but it's his own style. I'll try to remember to take some pics of it.
