Northern Range
Hilltop House
Dirac Family
She let him sit there and glare at her as he struggled with his own plans, or lack of, until she finally said, "Please Jay. I can't sit on the beach at Sandy Point and give up. Neither of my parents wanted that. Please help me."
Jay set the coffee and the bag of doughnuts on top of his car, closed the door carefully and stood with his back pressed against the handle. He looked at Hilltop House. It hadn't aged well since he'd last been here, but that had been almost a year ago and the bugs and the weather had been eating at the boards with hungry mouths.
He didn’t want to go in. It was where Kenley Dirac had been murdered.
Fiona propped her bike against one of the trees. “It’s okay, it’s empty inside.”
He'd made fun of Fiona and her sister when they were kids - all the crap and rumors about ghosts. If the ghost of Kenley Dirac showed up and put him down he wouldn't blame her but regret wasn't worth much. Here he was with her daughter preparing to enter a haunted house and if he got a chance to apologize, if Dr. Dirac wanted an apology, he'd give her one.
"Don't touch the spider webs," Fiona told him as she pushed the door open and walked in. He hadn't been planning on touching spider webs but he didn't want to walk through one either.
He put the coffee down and walked over to the window overlooking the porch. There were a lot of spider webs and most of them were big but the whole place was empty and abandoned and full of dust so it wasn't surprising that spiders had set up shop on the walls.
He started to join Fiona across the room toward the old dining table when he looked down at the floor. The rug was gone and in its place was a stain. Nobody had scrubbed the floor and the stain was very dark. He knew what it had to be.
That was where she bled, he thought, sickened. It happened right down there in front of him, and he had almost stepped on it.
"Jay," Fiona said. She lit a fire in the cold room and stood by it, half in the shadows, facing him. "Just don't look at it."
He watched her pull out a chair and sit. Unable to even look at the
food, he stood on the other side of the table and fought with his emotion and finally asked, “Why am I here? What did you have to tell me?”
She took a sip of coffee and ate half a doughnut. "My mother and father were working on something together. Obviously something went wrong. Before my father disappeared, he said that if he didn't return, we should go get a Lombardo. He was in a hurry and he didn't explain, and Viv and I weren't sure he even meant our mother was still alive and we've spent all this time trying to understand what he meant. Finally I decided I didn't want to spend the rest of my life wondering if I could do something, my father seemed to think I could, so I went after you. If I had to stretch the truth to get you, that wasn't going to stop me. You are the available Lombardo."
He sat down in
one of the dining chairs, confused and stunned. She'd lied to him. Her mother hadn't left something specific intended for him. However, even if she thought it was a lie, Kenley Dirac had been involved in a cosmological theory which he'd feared and worried about.
"Look, I do know what she was working on, but I don't know how your dad was involved and I don't know what happened to either of them. Maybe you didn't understand what he told you, or maybe he was kind know...out of his mind. What am I supposed to do? It sounds like a fantasy trope, like I'm the savior of the world but don't know it yet. No Lombardo ever tried to save the world. We usually tear things apart."
“Yeah, I know. Have some coffee and doughnuts.”
“I bought
them for you.”
"So watch
while I eat them."
Exasperated, annoyed and trapped, Jay still tried for a kind voice, something he didn't use and only tried now because he'd lost someone who felt like a mother and understood what she was feeling. “Fiona, for your mother's sake I'm willing to hang around for a while, I mean like today, to see if something happens. You don't have anything to work with except a sentence your father yelled at you while he was running out the door though. What are you going to do now that I'm here? Do you have a plan? Anything more than just watching me?”
She gave him a cool, assessing look. "You know that my parents were friends with someone you know very well and that's Gabe Lombardo himself. You also know he disappeared about the same time as my mother so don't bullshit me about that. Don't give me crap about what I can do either. It's a waste of time. I'm looking for a ghost, for one ghost in particular and I think I can call him because his family had property here, your family, and you know that too. I'm looking for Gabe's father, Don Lombardo, because I hope he can tell me where to find Gabe, and if I find him, I may find my parents. Maybe you can do whatever it is you're supposed to do if you come with me. That's my plan."
He didn't even bother to respond to that. Gabe had something to do with everything. A meteor landed on your car, Gabe had something to do with it. Your house burned down, give Gabe the credit or the blame. You found a bag of diamonds in your wall, Gabe put it there. Gabe fucked a fairy and had elf kids who probably put more diamonds in the walls. Old Uncle Don would tell them where everybody was and what Jay was supposed to do about it.
Hell no. As far as he knew the dragons might hang out at the dome indefinitely or go home or he might have imagined them after all. The girl on the pier probably wasn't an illusion, but so what if she came back, she was a kid, what could she do. Kenley Dirac was dead. He couldn't fix that, magic Lombardo power or not and he wasn't going in search of Gabe to find out.
She let him sit there and glare at her as he struggled with his own plans, or lack of, until she finally said, "Please Jay. I can't sit on the beach at Sandy Point and give up. Neither of my parents wanted that. Please help me."
He thought about it. She was right about that.
Kenley Dirac would have wanted him to help her daughter.
There was more than one way to look at this. Maybe he was meant to somehow boost Fiona over the wall between this dimension and the one Kenley opened. She seemed to want that role, she could do a better job than he could, she had less to lose, and he had nothing better to do today.
"Okay Fiona, let's go find your ghost."
Captivating and Very Witty! I’m head over heels for the characters and already sucked in and haven’t even read the backstory yet! I’m even stuck on ms. lady spider who photobombed Jay & Fiona! Wonderfully written to all very great shots! Starting from the beginning now :)
Thank you so much. I'm really happy you like it! Also, the moral support means a great deal to me, particularly at this point. Thank you again.
DeleteNot like, LOVE :) It could not have been introduced to me at a better time as well when it comes to support. There’s nothing like escaping to the world within a great story. Thank you for the time and dedication you spend creating this, which, in turn, offers just that :)
ReplyDeleteCan't blame Jay for being weary about entering this house especially after what happened in there. Also, that HUGE spider! At least with them getting together like this they are able to sort of shed some light on what might be happening. They've got a plan so hopefully it works for them.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jennifer for reading and commenting. And I hope Jay and Fiona find a way out of their mess!
DeleteThis is the last piece I'm posting here - I won't be using this blog anymore and plan on removing the chapters I've already posted. I may continue on another blog, not sure yet, perhaps Dreamwidth or Wordpress, but not here. Sad to see things come to an end but most of them do.
Thank you so much for continuing to read and leave comments all these years. It has meant a great deal to me. And I definitely hope you continue!
I wondered why Jay would rather sit in the car until I saw the house. Then I understood, lol.
ReplyDeleteI'm not yet sure how this will all shake out, but I'm intrigued!
He really did not want to go into that house, and once inside nothing convinced him he'd been wrong either.
DeleteThank you so much for reading and commenting. If I can continue this, I hope it keep it interesting.
*dreamy sigh* Jay Lombardo is such a loveable character. I really enjoyed following his thought process in this chapter. You write him so well I feel like I can hear his voice as I read. The character pictures of him especially really captured all the different emotions, and the effect of that blending with the text was stunning. This is one of my favourite chapters so far.
ReplyDeleteAnd as I suspected, his and Fiona's personalities bounce off each other beautifully when they interract without any other distractions around. I get this impression that they are simultaneously exasperated and intrigued with each other. And it feels warm and amicable, like the start of a life long friendship.
I love the detail with the coffee and doughnuts that followed like a red thread all through the chapter. It's not only a gift from Jay, which feels a bit like he's paying respect to Fiona's mother - it's also something to keep Fiona occupied while she speaks truthfully about what she's up to. I find that so relatable and realistic; conversations like that always seem to need food or drink to have something to occupy your hands with.
I also love the emotional turmoil of Jay entering the old house, which is also Kenley's place of death. It was so nicely executed, especially the scene where he finds the blood stain. You really showed how much he cared for her, it was lovely.
Jay's thoughts on Gabe were hilarious! I really enjoy his antagonism with Gabe, and it makes perfect sense too that he should feel that way.
Last, but certainly not least: the pictures in this chapter were beautiful. Your attention to detail really is amazing. Take that last picture of Jay, for example: the overgrown garden outside the glass door and windows is just wonderful. Really, really nicely put together. /Ani
Oh thank you! The two of them do bounce off each other and the relationship is beginning to be mutually respectful - he's realizing she's not crazy and she's realizing he's not a total jerk. They're both smart and they're both motivated and they'll both benefit by helping each other, or that's what they hope.
DeleteKenley was like a mother to Jay and her loss is awful. He doesn't feel like he can tell his parents how bad he feels because for one thing he has a mother and he believes that wouldn't go down well. Even smart strong young men can hurt whether or not their families approve of it.
Fiona was hungry and worried about buying coffee and pastries. I thought Jay would pick up on that and think nothing of getting them for her, and having them around would lessen some of the tension. Just as you said, having food to hold or use to pause and think is a good thing. I'm glad you saw it that way!
Jay really resents Gabe LOL! He's trying to be cool and collected and not slam out the door just because Gabe is involved, which he might have done if Fiona hadn't finally just asked him to help her. That was the right thing for her to do.
I spend so much time on the details, just like you do I'm sure from the way every small thing is carefully placed. Thank you for the wonderful compliment!
I'm so glad you enjoyed this one. Emotional pieces where nothing happens are really hard for me to write. If I were filming it, it might be easier but grabbing still photos of people just sitting and trying to vary them is difficult. Thank you again!!